Terms of Use

Terms of Use Rules and regulations that everyone must cooperate and follow.

1. Any content that you post or put on our website must be your own content or has been licensed to be used properly. Sharing content from other sources, the credit should always be given to the original owner.

2. It is strictly forbidden to present any message or content referring to the monarch or royal family.

3. Do not present any message or content in a pornographic way or violence with the intention of presenting content that is not useful to the society. (except for presenting to warn some members in a way that is useful and do for the society)

4. Do not present any message or content that lead to conflict or quarrel are prohibited which might cause social divisions.

5. Do not present any messages or content that lead to religious conflict or criticism in a way that is detrimental to the religion and teachings of any religions.

6. Do not use pseudonyms or various names which is the real name of the person, page, company or any other name that is misleading to others nd lead to deception that causes damage to others.

7. Do not present other people's personal information. Information that should be confidential that can only be disclosed to that person or the person with their consent, such as, phone numbers, account numbers, or any other confidential information.

8. Do not submit any message or content that is unlawful or contradicting the good morals of society.

9. We reserve the right to cancel membership with any member who violates the rules without prior notice.